Mark 16

Alan Beck from the West Carrollton congregation joined us today as he or Mike Grushon do each month, and the lesson he shared today was one of some debate. The lesson was on the scripture from Mark 16:9-20 where his title slide says “Can it be ignored?”.

Some versions of the Bible recognize this text as part of the original gospel, but many others do not. So Alan took time to share this with us so we were more informed and to help us be better Bible students.

Depending on what version your Bible is, and whether it is a “study” or “reference” Bible you may or may not see notes about this passage of scripture. The KJV says nothing about it, but the NKJV does as does the ESV and NIV versions. Alan shows us that the NRSV has 2 endings for this passage and the NASB is kind of on the fence about it.

As you’ll hear and see below, he says that early manuscripts support its inclusion while the Sinaticus and Vaticanus do not include it. He also discusses other support or the lack of. So is there trust issues on this bit of Mark? Alan shares some stats and parallels with other scripture.

Alan asks some “yes” and “no” questions you can consider and notes there are some unique differences with some of the other gospels when compared to each other, based on the author and audience they wrote to.

You can hear the lesson below and follow along with Alan’s PowerPoint slides in our gallery. We are always at the ready to answer questions if you have any needs, please ask us!

