Leadership + Don’t Always Believe What You Hear

Broc joined us again today for a pair of lessons on what it takes to be a good leader, and how to use wisdom when those around you share things that may or may not be accurate. Both lessons tie into the idea of leadership, as that is the goal of all of us: to be great leaders!

Lesson one is “Leadership” and was also titled “Excuses” for previous talks. The second lesson is “Don’t Always Believe What You Hear”. Pretty much all things in life are more certain when we see them with our own eyes and not relying on what others said did or did not happen. Many a man or woman has fallen into a deep pit following what others say. So what does God’s Word say on both subjects?

Recordings and slides from Broc’s PowerPoint lessons are below. Please take a listen or share as you have time. If you have questions, we need your feedback to assist you in understanding or correcting anything misstated.

Lesson One: Leadership

Leadership – Begley, lesson 1

Excuses-Begley-1 Excuses-Begley-2 Excuses-Begley-3 Excuses-Begley-4 Excuses-Begley-5 Excuses-Begley-6 Excuses-Begley-7 Excuses-Begley-8

Lesson Two: Don’t Always Believe What You Hear

Dont Always Believe What You Hear – Begley, lesson 2

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* Feature image by Markus Spiske of Unsplash