Former Waynesville member, Cody Cain joined us again this month, a little earlier than normal due to an opening we had. Today, his lesson was entitled, “Jesus Crucifixion”.
Some of the things you’ll hear in his lesson are how Jesus, the Son of God was mocked. He was beaten and whipped. They put a crown of thorns on Him and put a purple robe on Him. They even gave Him a reed as a scepter, making fun of the King He said He was…
But they did not see the King we know Jesus as, or the King that God sent to save us from sin. We do and we need to share that with others.
Perhaps you are one of those who don’t know what Jesus did for you? This lesson may give you a hint, but if you need to have more information, please ask us! Our God-given role is to teach the lost and explain His word to others.
You can hear Cody’s lesson below and follow his PowerPoint slides in our image gallery below.
Recording: Jesus Crucifixion – Cain