Waynesville member Brad Beckett shared a great lesson with us today on Isaiah 6. But the lesson does not start in Isaiah 6, it begins in 2 Chronicles 26 where Brad discusses Uzziah. Who he was, who is mother is, and what he did before God. He was victorious in wards, made extensive projects and had an advanced military. All was going well for him until he became strong. As Brad notes in 2 Chronicles 26:16, his pride became his downfall.
Now we transition to Isaiah 6, talking about when King Uzziah died. An amazing sight is shared by Isaiah and he shared that he is “undone”. What is done to Isaiah? What role does a hot coal factor into the story? What does this do for Isaiah? Who said “Here am I! Send me”?
You can hear the answers to these questions and see the passages that Brad reads by using our gallery to see his PowerPoint slides below. Questions or comments? Ask us! Please!
Recording: Isaiah 6 – Beckett