
I sure would like to have a candy bar right now! Do you think it is chilly in here? I’d love to sit by the ocean to listen to the waves come in!

Did any of the things I just mentioned make you stop and think about any of those things? If so, I was influencing your brain to think about something I was thinking about.

Today’s lesson by Alan is to look at people who do just that in social media, to influence people to do whatever they are paid to try to sell you on. We all know how sales work and how sales tactics work. They devalue things you might have now to sell you on something better (and more expensive). Or they may do good things like lead you to a doctor for a life-saving health check.

So what kind of influencer are you? Are you an influencer of good or evil? We need to know and we need to make sure of which of those God expect of us, as He is the Judge Who will decide our fates one day.

The recording of Alan’s message is below. Please take time to listen to his words and see how they might affect you or those you know and care about?

Influencers – Beck

*Photo by Diggity Marketing on Unsplash