Jeremy Price and his family were able to be with us again today, as he shared his lesson on “Hunger and Thirst”. No, he was not talking about hoping the lesson would go quickly so he could get some lunch with his family. Nor was he thinking about how the Ohio pollen really made him thirsty and he needed a drink.
He was talking about the need that all mankind, especially Christians need to do as the Bible says, to hunger and thirst for the Word of God. He starts the lesson by focusing on stories of deep hunger or thirst and how the need for water or food can take control of a person. Just as having that same intention for spending time in the Word of God can take control of us, leading us to great things for God and the church.
A recording of Jeremy’s lesson is below. We hope you will take the time to listen to the lesson and consider sharing it with someone who is important to you?
*Photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash