Cody gave one of the best lessons on the book of Esther today and really broke down the book into very digestible and memorable bits.
He first discussed the timeframe that Esther was written, around 483-473 BC. He broke down the major themes of the book including Esther, Haman, Mordecai, Ahasuerus, the start of Purim, the Jews being threatened with extinction, and their success.
The lesson also does a great job outlining the story and events of the day from the day the king tries to get Vashti to dance for his guests, to Mordecai becoming the king’s top advisor!
Cody notes that God is not mentioned in the book of Esther, yet He is clearly seen throughout the text.
One of the most notable things in Esther is the power of influence from Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, in that He was given to God and his example strongly influenced Esther to do good, even when she was the Queen and Mordecai just a slave.
More on this great lesson can be heard on the recording below and you can follow the slides further down. Enjoy this wonderful book!