Today, Waynesville member Kyle Jones shared his lesson entitled, “Clearer Vision” and references Matthew 7:3-5. But he begins by talking about the best way to hold and use a pencil as we grow from babies to adults. Next, he talks about penmanship and how his own writing skills compare to others or how his kids write their letters and words.
Why does he do this? As a lead-in for the lesson on looking at specks in the eyes of those around us and missing our own problems, or planks/beams in our eyes! Kyle then goes on to focus on the lessons of the “Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 5-7).
Next Kyle shares the purpose for beams, logs and timber for houses and transitions to the lesson of the Wise and Foolish Builders. Then as he begins to wrap up his lesson, he talks about Paul as a wise master builder in the foundation he laid.
Kyle moves on to his own improvements in his hand writing skills after he was once considering harassing a colleague about how he held a pen or pencil. He discovered though this looked odd, his friend’s writing was beautiful.
You can hear Kyle’s lesson and see the text on his PowerPoint slides on our gallery below. Have a question or comment? Please ask us!
Recording: Clearer Vision – Jones