Christ – The Perfect Examples for Wives

To suggest that there are a LOT of people unhappy with the election of our new president is an understatement. For as long as there have been elections with people running for office having different views, there are always unhappy people. However with many of the protests recently, we see some rather over-the-top points of view.

We live in a time where the structure of the family has been broken down, kicked around, and distorted far from the plan God had from the beginning. Women are taking on the roles of men (by force or selection), men taking on the roles of women in same ways, sometimes both taking on a role that is not male or female, husband or wife. People are so confused and are destroying the family in the process by their own views, and exceptionally bad practices, particularly in taking GOD out of the picture entirely!

Children today are a product of confused adults who are setting their own rule books for what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, and teaching those ‘rules’ to their children. Our children are a product of the lessons they see and hear in us. If our lives and practices are askew, that is their starting point.

So Abe is starting a new series of lessons on how we can work ourselves out of this current crisis. From the dawn of creation, mankind has constantly dug themselves into a hole, and it has only been with God’s help and instruction that we manage to right things.

So today’s lessons are to wives, and suggest Who it is that can best set the right example for them. More lessons for other family members to come…

The recordings of both lessons are below, followed by slides from both lessons.

Christ – The Perfect Example for Wives – Martin, part 1

Christ – The Perfect Example for Wives – Martin, part 2

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