Equally Yoked

Roger Jr. shared his lesson today, though our services were officially cancelled due to show and ice. The lesson was a celebration of the life and marriage of two of the Waynesville congregation’s most long-term members, Glendon and Edith Lamb. Roger met with both Edith and Glendon as well as...

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Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. shares his lesson entitled, “Timing” using the scripture from Ecclesiastes 3 as his focus. While not focusing on the words of this passage so much, Roger chose images specifically based on the topics being discussed. While chapter 3 begins with noting, “To everything, there is...

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Jeremiah’s Scrolls

Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. shared a lesson that was an exceptional study for him, in “Jeremiah’s Scrolls” from Jeremiah chapter 36. Roger begins by noting that as Christians trying to live a godly life before our brethren or the people in our lives, even if we are doing what...

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Today, Waynesville member Roger Starnes shared his lesson entitled “Milestones”. Roger grew up in Vandalia, OH where the U.S. National Road runs through still today. The lesson began with a focus on landmarks and the history of them including some local ones. Then Roger looks at some milestones in our...

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Wisdom and Knowledge

For August, Roger Jr. chose to do his lesson about “Wisdom & Knowledge” after some lesson topic requests from his wife, Patty. Roger noted that no matter how “smart” we feel we are, there is SO MUCH we don’t know, or need to know better. God is simply amazing and...

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Living in Tents

Today, Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, shared his lesson on “Living in Tents” that was an expository study on 2 Corinthians 5:1-11. He began by looking at what we know tents to be, and even shared some that we may have never seen in his slides below! As he read through...

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