Teaching and Warning

Kyle gave both lessons today. His first lesson was on “Teaching” and the cycle of steps that educators try to implement in learning, understanding, knowing and sharing. His second lesson was on “Warning” about how we can read signs and labels that give us some rather silly warnings at times....

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The Value of God’s Word

Abe’s lessons for today were entitled “The Value of God’s Word”. How much do we truly value God’s word? In the thousands of years this timeless book was written, do we fully understand how blessed we are to have THE word of God? Do we really believe it is His...

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The Book of Titus

Abe’s lessons were from the book of Titus. Each first Sunday of the month we look at a new book of the Bible. There are some good lessons to be found in this short book. Hope you can listen! Recording of the lessons can be heard by clicking the link...

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Attitude in Prayer

Abe’s lessons for today were on our “Attitude in Prayer”. The lessons help us to look at who we are, Who God is, and how we approach Him in prayer. It also looks at just what prayer is and why it is so beneficial for us. Recording of the lessons...

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The Early Church

Roger and Abe gave lessons this week on “The Early Church”. In each, they take an in-depth look at the early converts and workers in the church to see what they did, how they grew, and the rewards and penalties for success and failure. Don’t feel like you have much...

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The Church and the Kingdom

Abe’s first lesson for today was on “The Church”. His second lesson was on “The Kingdom”. Both lessons combined show the difference and similarities of each of these terms. He takes us throughout the Bible to note passages to show the importance of knowing the roles of each and how...

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