Servants and Leadership

Abe and Kyle teamed up this Sunday to give lessons on “Servants and Leadership”. Abe took the first lesson, talking about what it means to be a servant from a human and spiritual point of view. Kyle’s lesson picked up on that and segued into a talk on leadership. From...

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Holy Spirit – Deity and Qualities

Abe’s lessons for this past Sunday continued on the subject of the “Holy Spirit”. Abe takes a look at the Holy Spirit’s deity and the qualities wherein we can recognize the Holy Spirit’s role and character. It has been enlightening to look more closely at the Forces that are responsible...

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The Book of James

Abe’s lessons for this past Sunday were on the Book of James. As is our tradition, Abe does a couple lessons on a book of the Bible each first Sunday of the month. He digs into who the writer is of this book (there’s more than 1 James!), and looks...

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Holy Spirit – Importance

Abe’s lessons for this past Sunday were on the Holy Spirit – specifically the importance of the Holy Spirit. We looked at the role of this Personality of the God-head and how important a role the Holy Spirit plays for mankind. From the endowing of spiritual abilities on the Apostles,...

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Soldiers of Christ – Re-recorded

The lessons from this past Sunday, April 14th, were titled “Soldiers of Christ”. For the first lesson, we look at what it takes to be a soldier in the armed forces – boot camp. Have you or anyone you know ever been in the military? Surely you remember boot camp!...

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The Book of Hebrews

On the 1st Sunday of the month, Abe’s lessons are on books of the Bible. This month he covers the book of Hebrews. This is a very important book of the New Testament, though we have no certainty as to the author. Hope you can listen!

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