Who is Worthy of the Gospel?

The Gospel has been given to humans to share with other humans. But who are we to share it with? Who will be most likely to accept? Who will resist us or the message of God and Christ? It is not up to us to decide who the person is,...

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Peace Be Still

One of the most powerful and awe inspiring stories in the New Testament is the story of Jesus calming the wind and sea after being waken from sleep by his disciples on a rough sea. After just teaching lessons about faith and trust in God, the disciples of Christ are...

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The Book of 1 John

Another month is upon us, and with the change in the calendar pages comes a new lesson from a book of the Bible. This month the featured book is 1 John. We discuss the author, the time of the writing, the main message, the group in focus, and how we...

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Abe’s lessons from today were on the person, life, and circumstances around an Old Testament king named Jehoiakim. Who was he? Was he good or evil? How long did he reign? Who did he succeed? Who succeeded him? Most of all, what can we learn from him? Recordings of both...

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No Human Way Out

The lessons for today were entitled “No Human Way Out”. Roger took a fast-paced (but long time) looking back at characters from the Old Testament, focusing on those who seemed to have everything going against them, only to look past the physical and see God there to aid them. The...

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2 Peter

Abe’s lesson for today was a make-up lesson for our normal 1st Sunday lessons using books of the Bible. The book for today was 2nd Peter. Most folks find something about Peter that is very much like themselves. First to jump into action, too quick to respond, devoted, afraid, strong,...

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