Bible Basics

The more complicated our world seems to get, the more we forget the basics. Sure we can do some amazing things today in our personal, professional, and religious lives with technology and with all the information at hand, but pushing the limits of new accomplishments may mean little if we...

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Contending Earnestly

Well, I can’t say I’ve listened to Abe’s lessons for today yet – being on vacation last week and all, but I am sure they are both great! So let’s get time to listen to them as we are able. Contending earnestly for the faith in Christ is truly a...

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Generosity – A Christian’s Duty

Abe’s timely lesson for today was on the need for a Christian to be generous with their lives. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well, we all know that living a life with generosity as part of our nature is NOT easy. In fact, it can often be a source of great...

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Persecution – Be Prepared

From the beginning of the Christian faith, persecution has been a part of life. Even beyond the Christian faith, persecution was part of life for Jesus, His disciples, even back to John the baptizer or the prophets. So recognizing “persecution” as something NEW is error plain and simple. If we...

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Abe’s lessons for today were on preparation. Ever felt unprepared for something? We all have! To be ready for the things in our lives requires preparation. Going to work? Are you dressed and clean? That is preparation. Getting married? Got plans for the wedding? That is preparation (or lack of...

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The Lamb and the Lion

Most humans love to watch nature shows. We are so captivated by the animals on earth and how they behave, good or bad. Two extremes of animal life on earth is that of a lamb and a lion. One is recognized as ‘the king of beasts’ where they other is...

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