
No matter what is built, stands, or has a shape, it almost always requires support on the inside or outside to function. From a human to an animal, from a car or truck to a house or building, all things require support to take shape or to function when complete....

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In That Day

What does Zechariah chapter 12 verses 1-9 have to say about “That Day”? Cody goes verse by verse to see what this prophet has to say to the people to whom he is the prophet. What does it have to do with Israel or Jerusalem? Is this the only Jerusalem...

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Focus – Part 2

Continuing our lesson from last week on FOCUS where we looked at the things that distract us from maintaining focus, this week we take a look at how important clarity can be. How can we get more focus on the things we see or are doing? Sometimes in life clarity...

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The Trying of Our Faith

Many of us these days have had our faith tested. It may be due to family issues, work issues, relationship issues, or even health and wellness issues. When we are making an effort to try to be pleasing to God and life seems to be contrary to us, we can...

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YOLO + The Stoics

Alan Beck and his wife visited with us this past Sunday and he delivered two very educational lessons on two groups of people mentioned in Acts chapter 17 – the Epicureans and the Stoic philosophers. He also talks about the acronym, YOLO that many of today’s youth cite for their...

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The Number 70

There are many numbers that we frequently come across in scripture. Numbers such as 6, 7, 12, 40, and others are in the text of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. But one that has come up over and over lately for today’s speaker, Roger Starnes, has been the number...

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