Clearer Vision

Today, Waynesville member Kyle Jones shared his lesson entitled, “Clearer Vision” and references Matthew 7:3-5. But he begins by talking about the best way to hold and use a pencil as we grow from babies to adults. Next, he talks about penmanship and how his own writing skills compare to...

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Follow Me – Part III

Mike Grushon shares his lesson with us today that was the third in his series on “Follow Me”, a great series! He begins his lesson by noting that for any of us to come after him, we must follow Him. Mike then shares some of the ingredients to follow Jesus...

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Roger Starnes, Sr. gave a lesson today on “Truths” and he shared many passages that support this title. You can hear his lesson below and we hope to have an outline of all the passages that Roger shared in his lesson on this post here soon. Recording: Truths – Starnes,...

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We Are Going Down the Valley

Marvin Eads was with us today to share his lesson entitled, “We Are Going Down the Valley” where he beings in looking at James 4:14 talking about our lives and how they are like a vapor. Marvin then discusses the importance of living the best life we can and that...

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Today, Waynesville member Roger Starnes shared his lesson entitled “Milestones”. Roger grew up in Vandalia, OH where the U.S. National Road runs through still today. The lesson began with a focus on landmarks and the history of them including some local ones. Then Roger looks at some milestones in our...

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Brotherly Kindness

Cody Cain joined us today with most of his family (including some new family) as he presented his lesson entitled, “Brotherly Kindness”. The passage he began with was from 2 Peter 1:3-8. Cody notes how genuine kindness and love touches others. These days as more of us work and live...

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