
You will understand the reason for the title of today’s lesson by Roger, Sr. once you hear the beginning of the lesson. See how many times you can hear this word while Roger takes you through many scriptures today… and see what it means! The recording of Roger’s lesson is...

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Bible Miracles

To say to others that the God we serve and try to know is powerful and able to do anything is one thing. But to show others some of what God has done can even cause many of us life-long Christians to stop and reconsider just how amazing God is...

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Former Waynesville member, Cody Cain spoke for the congregation today in delivering a lesson on “Elkanah”. He began the lesson by looking at the great responsibilities that fathers have. He also notes that so many of us have failed to teach or lead our kids or families as we should....

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I sure would like to have a candy bar right now! Do you think it is chilly in here? I’d love to sit by the ocean to listen to the waves come in! Did any of the things I just mentioned make you stop and think about any of those...

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Hunger and Thirst

Jeremy Price and his family were able to be with us again today, as he shared his lesson on “Hunger and Thirst”. No, he was not talking about hoping the lesson would go quickly so he could get some lunch with his family. Nor was he thinking about how the...

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Things to Think About

There are many things in the world we live in that seem to document things not covered in the text of the Bible. Other things are mentioned in the Bible that doesn’t provide us a lot of details, but seem to parallel things in human or world history. Let’s consider...

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