
Roger talked about ants on November 14th for his lesson! Yes, ANTS! But why? The very first slide of his lesson shows us why. Proverbs 6:6-11 uses the ant to show humanity how lazy they can be when the tiny ant accomplishes SO MUCH! But how does the ant factor...

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On November 7th, Kyle Jones presented a lesson on “Kingdom” mentioned in Matthew 6:33. He goes on to discuss the kingdoms of the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites! He talks about the many kings of Israel and Judah. But he starts with the warning of God to...

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Where Are You Spiritually?

Roger Sr. gave his lesson today on the question of “Where are You Spiritually?” and he began by looking at some of the death rates around the world by year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Why? To remind us that we all have only a limited time to do...

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Here in the Real World

Today, Alan began his lesson in Hebrews 11 talking about the the “Hall of Faith” as we often refer to it. Individuals from the Bible who did more of what God asked of them than many before or after them. Others are listed in that chapter who were unwilling to...

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The Kingdom of God

Jeremy Price joins us today and begins his lesson by looking at a number of passages. He starts with Colossians 1:13, Psalm 103:19, Romans 13:1, Daniel 4:3, John 18:36, Matthew 4:17, John 3:5-7, 1 Corinthians 6, and Matthew 7:21 all to talk about the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom exists,...

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Seeking the Lord

On October 10th, Roger, Jr. shared a lesson on “Seeking the Lord” and what can come from us doing that, what was done with it from Bible times, and what not seeking the Lord can do for us and to us. Roger begins by asking the congregation what are things...

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