Three Sabbaths in the Synagogue

Mike’s lesson for us today was about teaching others about God’s Word and how that can be done. The title is “Three Sabbaths in the Synagogue” and we being in Acts 17 verses 1-4 and here we see how Paul went about trying to each both Jews and Greeks in...

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Press On!

Visiting preacher, Mike Grushon shared his lesson with us this month, entitled “Press On!” using scripture from Philippians 3:12-17 talking about the value of TRUE discipleship. The importance of “pressing on” is made very clear by the Apostle Paul in this text. What does Paul mean my saying that he...

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Follow Me – Part III

Mike Grushon shares his lesson with us today that was the third in his series on “Follow Me”, a great series! He begins his lesson by noting that for any of us to come after him, we must follow Him. Mike then shares some of the ingredients to follow Jesus...

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Take Up Your Cross

Mike Grushon from the West Carrollton congregation joins us again today, sharing the 2nd part to his previous lesson entitled, “Take Up Your Cross”. Today Mike begins with what a “cross” is that Jesus tells them to take up and follow Him. Looking at figures of speech, we know the...

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Deny Yourself and Follow Me

Mike Grushon was with us today once again and shared his lesson entitled, “Deny Yourself and Follow Me” from Luke 9:23-27. Mike began his lesson by readying that passage, which you can follow along below. Mike notes some things that Christ’s disciples had to deny… to be #1, to desire...

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What God Does for His People

Mike Grushon joined us again today and shared a lesson entitled, “What God Does for His People” focused on Micah 7:7-20. He begins with a look at Micah’s ministry and the kinds he worked with. He notes that God will… hear him, plead his case, execuse justice for him, bring...

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