Armor Bearer + God is The Rewarder

Kyle and Cody shared another morning of lessons today. Kyle took the first lesson and talked about Armor Bearers. Cody took the second lesson and showed how God is THE Rewarder. Both lessons have recordings below along with slide images in the galleries. Hope they help you! *Audio level is...

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Kyle’s lessons today were on Acceptance. How does Aaron, Jonah, or Gideon, relate to Abraham, Isaiah, or Moses factor in to a study on Acceptance? Kyle’s lesson will show you. The audio for the lessons was not recorded, but the slides from both are below…

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Spiritual Growth

Kyle and Cody shared lessons today with several of the men who read scriptures to go along with the lessons on “Spiritual Growth”. Slides from the first lesson are below, along with recordings from both. Lesson One – Kyle Jones Spiritual Growth – Jones, lesson 1 Lesson Two – Cody Cain...

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Baby Steps

One of the lesson ideas that Roger has had in his notes for the past few weeks, was the subject of “Baby Steps”. Due to one of our speakers not being able to present his lessons today, Roger and Kyle filled in for him. In discussing subject ideas, Roger offered...

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We were on a delayed schedule today due to cold and snow, but Kyle still provided a good lesson on Abraham. So, what was Abraham’s background? Where was he from? Who were Abraham’s descendants? What lessons can we learn from this man? Kyle answers all these questions in this lesson....

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Waynesville member, Kyle Jones, presented both lessons today, with two timely lessons on Resolutions. Many of us make resolutions at the beginning of the year for various reasons. Some reasons are due to the failings of past years where we feel we did not realize the hopes or dreams we...

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