What is in a Name?

As noted before, for months with 5 Sundays on the calendar we typically do a worship service consisting of scripture readings, songs, and a short invitation for our 1st assembly. Then for the 2nd assembly the speaker presents a more detailed lesson on the same topic. This month we moved...

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Life 2.0 + Rightly Divide

Kyle and Cody shared another Sunday of lessons today. Kyle gave a lesson on “Life” and Cody gave a lesson on how to “Rightly Divide”. While the two lessons come from different perspectives, the common thread is based on the wellness of the body and soul. These are our first...

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Disobey + Obey

Kyle took some of his educational background, and mixed it with his love of cyber tech and God’s word to share some great thoughts with us on obedience. Recordings and slides from both lessons are below. Please take time to listen and read or share with someone else who is...

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Once again, July had 5 Sundays in the month, so our worship service today was a mix of song, scriptures, and lessons focused on one Person, Jesus. The first assembly was a sort of overview of Jesus. The second lesson takes a more direct look at just WHO Jesus is....

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Add Title + Needing the Gospel

Between work and family trips, Kyle has been in and out of town nearly once a week for months! However, in what time he managed to have available to study, Kyle presented two lessons for the congregation today. The first lesson was on the dreaded blank page that all of...

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Friend and Father

Kyle gave two lessons today on Father’s Day, and titled his lessons, “Friend and Father”. I’m a few weeks behind on getting lessons added to our site for users to listen to, so I’ll let you make your own summary of these good lessons… :^) Recordings of both lessons are...

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