Build on the Rock

Kyle presented a lesson today, reminding us to “Build on the Rock” and focused on the importance of a good and solid foundation. From the physical to the spiritual a solid foundation is very important. Otherwise, you may be shifting from place to place your whole life – just as...

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Turtle on road

Persistent Perseverance – Part 2

Part 2 of Kyle’s lesson from last week continued today, mostly focusing on consistency where he starts by talking about racing and the preparation for one. He also reminds us of the nursery rhyme on the tortoise and the hair (or turtle and rabbit). He looks at some of the...

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Turtle on road

Persistent Perseverance – Part 1

Kyle shared a lesson today on Persistent Perseverance. What is “Persistent Perseverance”? Is that something we have? What about those who feel lost, confused, or perplexed? Have you ever beat your head against a way trying to do better? Some are slow learners. But the Bible says if we “seek...

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Track Runner Stretching


After being away for some summer travel, Kyle was back with us today and shared a lesson that he said he never remembered doing a lesson on and that is “Preparedness”. In our lives, have this attribute will make life work better for us and for those around us. Are...

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Hindsight + Higher Ground

Kyle Jones and Cody Cain tag-teamed for another pair of lessons today. Kyle took lesson 1 with the title, “Hindsight” which both made a joke about the year (2020), but also noted the old adage about how when we look back at events or situations, all the things make perfect...

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Defending Against and Facing Our Giants

A couple weeks ago, knowing Roger was going to do a lesson on “The Little People”, Kyle said he was considering doing a lesson on “Defending Against Giants”! Roger had too much material for his lesson to wrap-up in a single talk so he did both. Because of that Kyle...

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