
Kyle presented a lesson today on Mistakes. Something ALL of us have made in our lives as noted at the start of his lesson from James 3:2. The Bible confirms how even the “best” of those noted in the Bible also fall to Mistakes, including Adam, Eve, Abram, Mosts, David,...

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Today Kyle presented a lesson on TEAMWORK to the congregation at Waynesville. His lesson’s PowerPoint slides began with an image of people and gears to help illustrate why teamwork is so important to any group or goal. He also cited the wise statement that “There is no I in TEAM”....

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First Impressions

Today, Kyle shares a really good lesson on First Impressions. He begins with social stats on what first impressions are often based on posture, voice, and emotion. Once made it is often hard to shake what you feel for what is true or more accurate. He shares stats on things...

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Just God

On March 21st, Kyle Jones gave a lesson on Just God. A lesson that used the two words in a few different thoughts… First, he talked about justice and how God is just and unlike humans who need to be blind to avoid adding prejudice into our view of who...

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30,000 Foot View

On February 28th Kyle took us on a viewing adventure, from 30,000 feet to just 10 feet! What if someone said, “Where are you right now?” How would you answer them? Would it be from space? What about a satellite? Perhaps from a commercial airplane? How about a single-engine plane?...

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Let It Shine

On February 21st, Kyle presented a lesson titled, “Let It Shine”. His lesson began by sharing the view from an officer that often parks outside his property to catch speeding drivers and how every Sunday that driver sees Kyle and his family heading to church. As he noted it is...

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