In his follow-up lesson, Blurring Righteousness, Roger takes the opposite view of the previous lesson in illustrating how we can blur what righteousness is. We can blur it in our lives through sin by showing a bad example before others. Or righteousness can be blurred to us or those around us by any who claim to be godly or righteous but live ungodly or unrighteous lives.
We see this in men and women who go to a church frequently but their speech, their humor, or their way of living defies the “good” person they want to be known as. Sometimes this happens to a good person who is really trying but is caught in a sin that they refuse to get out of. Other times the person is never who they pretend to be, but they sell themselves as such.
The goal of today’s lesson is to see how we can blur righteousness and to take notes so that we don’t do this, or that we see through others who are pretending to be. All can be straightened out if we look to Christ for true righteousness and we seek to follow and encourage those around us to follow Him!
A recording of today’s lesson is below along with images of the slides from Roger’s PowerPoint lesson. If you have questions or comments, please reach out to us to discuss. Thanks!
Blurring Righteousness – Starnes