Barnabas + Paths

Cody Cain and Kyle Jones shared lessons again today. Cody presented a nice comprehensive lesson on the many often called “Doubting Thomas”. Kyle presented a lesson on Paths or The Way. Both lessons were excellent, but our audio recordings failed either due to storm, configurations, or file saving issues. So, for now, we don’t have audio.

Slides from both lessons are below.

Lesson One: Barnabas
Cody Cain

Barnabas-Cain-01 Barnabas-Cain-02 Barnabas-Cain-03 Barnabas-Cain-04 Barnabas-Cain-05 Barnabas-Cain-06 Barnabas-Cain-07 Barnabas-Cain-08 Barnabas-Cain-09 Barnabas-Cain-10 Barnabas-Cain-11

Lesson Two: Paths or The Way
Kyle Jones

Path-Jones-01 Path-Jones-02 Path-Jones-03 Path-Jones-04 Path-Jones-05 Path-Jones-06 Path-Jones-07 Path-Jones-08 Path-Jones-09 Path-Jones-10 Path-Jones-11 Path-Jones-12 Path-Jones-13 Path-Jones-14 Path-Jones-15 Path-Jones-16 Path-Jones-17 Path-Jones-18 Path-Jones-19 Path-Jones-20 Path-Jones-21 Path-Jones-22 Path-Jones-23 Path-Jones-24 Path-Jones-25 Path-Jones-26