The Pattern

On June 24th, Roger was asked to speak at the congregation where he grew-up in north Dayton. It has been several years since he was able to visit, and he gave a lesson on “The Pattern”. As is his standard, Roger used some imagery for his lessons, but this time without PowerPoint! Yes, as he notes in the recordings below, this lesson was “unplugged”! :^)

Roger presented his lesson from the 24th at Waynesville today during our 2nd assembly.

For the first assembly, Nick prepared some songs and scriptures that supported the theme of Roger’s lesson, except he titled his collection, “Patterns”. The songs and scriptures for that presentation are below.

The visuals for Roger’s lesson is not provided. The “this” and other references Roger makes on the recordings below are regarding the following in order: 1) a flat-nosed paper airplane; 2) several flat-nosed airplanes; 3) a blank sheet of paper; 4) a sheet of paper with marks all over it, but lightly done; 5) a sheet of paper with dark writing on one side, but nothing on the other; 6) a sheet of paper with dark marks on both sides; 7) a sheet of paper with even more dark writing on both sides and crumbled up into a ball; 8) a sheet of paper made into 4 paper dolls, all with hands linked; 9) and finally another blank sheet of paper.

Roger’s recording is below before the PPT slides.

The Pattern – Starnes

Patterns-01 Patterns-02 Patterns-03 Patterns-04 Patterns-05 Patterns-06 Patterns-07 Patterns-08 Patterns-09 Patterns-10 Patterns-11 Patterns-12 Patterns-13 Patterns-14 Patterns-15 Patterns-16 Patterns-17 Patterns-18