The First and Greatest Command

Cody was scheduled to just prepare for and present one lesson today but due to unforeseen circumstances, Cody had to do both with little notice. But he did a great job on “The First and Greatest Command”.

Matt: 22:34-36“But when the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered themselves together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, to test Him, “Teacher which is the great commandment In the Law?”

No recording was made for either lesson, but the slides from both lessons are below:

First-Greatest-Command-01 First-Greatest-Command-02 First-Greatest-Command-03 First-Greatest-Command-04 First-Greatest-Command-05 First-Greatest-Command-06 First-Greatest-Command-07 First-Greatest-Command-08 First-Greatest-Command-09 First-Greatest-Command-10 First-Greatest-Command-11 First-Greatest-Command-12 First-Greatest-Command-13 First-Greatest-Command-14 First-Greatest-Command-15 First-Greatest-Command-16 First-Greatest-Command-17 First-Greatest-Command-18 First-Greatest-Command-19 First-Greatest-Command-20 First-Greatest-Command-21 First-Greatest-Command-22 First-Greatest-Command-23